Our philosophy

Environmental Philosophy.

Our Philosophy.

Zero waste world

We recognize that addressing global environmental issues is a challenge common to all humankind, and we will conduct our business activities in consideration of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Under the slogan “ZERO WASTE WORLD – Changing the future with you,” we will integrate the realization of a sustainable society with our corporate strategy and work toward the achievement of the SDGs through environmentally friendly business activities and reduction of environmental impact based on the philosophy of responsible consumption and production.

Environmental Policy.

1. Environmental Education

To realize a sustainable society, we conduct our business activities from the perspectives of environmental conservation, economic activities, and social responsibility. To this end, all employees will deepen their awareness of environmental issues, gain insight, and take responsible actions to achieve our environmental policy.

2. Compliance with Legal and Other Requirements

In promoting our business activities, we will comply with environmental laws, treaties, and agreements, and strive to reduce environmental impact and prevent environmental pollution.

3. Environmental Consideration

We recognize the importance of reducing the environmental impact of our upcycling system and product production activities, and will continuously update our system and improve our work methods.

4. Minimizing Environmental Impact

We recognize that climate change is an important issue, and we strive to continuously reduce greenhouse gas emissions in all of our business activities, including the services and products we provide.

5. Resource Conservation and Waste Reduction

We are constantly reviewing and responding to new projects with the goal of zero emissions. We also strive to recycle and minimize resource use.

6. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Initiatives

We will discuss and decide on the promotion of the SDGs at the management level and focus on efforts to understand, act on, and promote the SDGs.

7. Promotion of Information Disclosure

We will openly disclose our environmental policy upon request.

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